The secrets of the forest
Welcome to La Tranche-sur-Mer!
The Tourist Office and the National Forestry Office invite you to discover the national forest as you have never seen it, through a treasure hunt!
Go on an exciting walk with Louis and his grandfather and become an expert.
If you manage to find all the hidden words, a surprise will be waiting for you at the Tourist Office.
Ready to begin the adventure? Louis and his grandfather are waiting for you at the free car park of the Dune de Paris, route du Phare à la Terrière, on the side "start of the footpaths / Départ des sentiers pédestres".
During your walk along a marked trail, you will need a charged phone, good walking shoes, something to hydrate and protect you from the sun. Be careful, take good care of the places you go through and, if you lift a branch, remember to put it back in place.
Don't forget to authorize the Baludik application to geolocate you. In the event of a drop, your compass may go crazy; Don't panic and keep going.
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Office de Tourisme de la Tranche-sur-Mer
Office de tourisme Saumur Val de Loire
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